
◆主 催
①会 場:東京大学伊藤国際学術研究センター 伊藤謝恩ホール・多目的スペース
定 員:300名(先着順)⇒終了しました。ご参加いただきありがとうございました。
定 員:500名 ⇒ 申込多数につき、1,000名に変更致しました。
10:00-12:00 自由参加(東京大学伊藤国際学術研究センター多目的スペース)
総合司会:村山 顕人(東京大学)
13:00 挨拶及び趣旨説明 三村 信男(茨城大学・S-18プロジェクトリーダー)
13:15 基調講演 "Climate policies: a plea for timely and ambitious action"(発表資料)
Hans-Otto Pörtner(ドイツAlfred-Wegener Institute、IPCC AR6 WGII共同議長)
13:50 セッション1「影響・リスク・脆弱性と気候変動対策の効果」
「Climate change impacts and adaptation policy in the urban context:
From IPCC AR6 to AR7」(発表資料)
Winston Chow(シンガポールマネジメント大学、IPCC AR7 WGII共同議長)
「人間健康や生物多様性も考慮した気候変動の総費用」(発表資料) 沖 大幹(東京大学、UTCCS機構長)
「日本における洪水の適応策と緩和策の評価」(発表資料) 風間 聡(東北大学)
「地域生活への気候変動リスクの総合的評価と適応の課題」(発表資料)栗栖 聖(東京大学)
パネル討論 コーディネーター 長谷川 利拡(農研機構)
15:20 休憩
15:30 セッション2「将来の社会に向けた統合的ビジョン」
「気候政策が水に関するSDG目標へ与えるグローバルな影響」(発表資料)平林 由希子(芝浦工業大学)
「気候変動と自然共生社会」(発表資料) 山野 博哉(国立環境研究所)
「日本の社会課題を考慮した総合的な適応策」(発表資料) 日引 聡(東北大学)
「人新世における地域社会の未来ビジョン」 福士 謙介(東京大学、IFIセンター長)
パネル討論 コーディネーター 杉山 昌広(東京大学)
17:00 閉会
General moderator
村山 顕人
Akito Murayama
Associate Professor, Department of Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Dr. Murayama’s research areas are urban planning (land use planning and urban development), urban design as public policy and planning methodology. He is currently working on the research projects on “Projection of Climate Change Impacts on Local Land Use/Urban Environment and Consideration of Policies for Sustainable Regeneration” and “Development and Implementation of Participatory Urban Design Methodology for Introducing Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures”.

Opening speech and announcement of objectives of the symposium
三村 信男
Nobuo Mimura
Specially Appointed Professor, Global and Local Environment Co-creation Institute, Ibaraki University
Prof. Mimura’s research areas are global environmental engineering and coastal engineering. He has served to the IPCC second to sixth assessment reports as lead author, coordinating lead author and review editor. He was the President of Ibaraki University for 2014 to 2020, and currently leading a strategic research project “Comprehensive Research on Projection of Climate Change Impacts and Evaluation of Adaptation” funded by the Ministry of Environment of Japan and the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency.

Keynote lecture
Hans-Otto Pörtner
IPCC Co-Chair Working Group II, Sixth Assessment Cycle Professor, Alfred-Wegener-Institute, Integrative Ecophysiology Professor, University of Bremen
Prof. Pörtner’s research areas are polar sciences and animal ecophysiology. His research efforts focus on linking biogeography and ecosystem functioning to molecular, biochemical and physiological mechanisms shaping organism tolerance and performance. After his earlier contributions as Lead Author and Coordinating Lead Author to the Fourth and Fifth Assessment Cycles, Professor Pörtner served as Co-Chair of IPCC Working Group II for the Sixth Assessment Report. He contributed to bridging between Biodiversity and Climate Change and to communicate key IPCC scientific messages to policymakers.

Dr Winston Tseon Loong Chow
Associate Professor of Urban Climate, Singapore Management University
Associate Prof. Winston Chow obtained a Ph.D. from the School of Geographical Sciences and Urban Planning, Arizona State University. He is tenured at Singapore Management University as Associate Professor, and as a Lee Kong Chian Research Fellow. Dr Chow has been elected to Co-Chair of the WGII for the IPCC Seventh Assessment Cycle. His main research focuses on urban climate change risk and vulnerability, and on urban climatology with a focus on heat island adaptation and mitigation. Since 2017, he has been Principal Investigator for the multi-institute Cooling Singapore Initiative.

沖 大幹
Taikan Oki
東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 教授
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
東京大学 総長特別参与、気象予報士。2016-21年には国連大学上級副学長、国際連合事務次長補を兼務。専門は土木工学で、特に地球規模の水文学。書籍に『水の未来』(岩波新書、2016年)など。日本学士院学術奨励賞、国際水文学賞Doogeメダル、EGU John Dalton Medal受賞など表彰多数。ローマクラブ正会員。水文・水資源学会会長。
Prof. Taikan Oki is a Special Advisor to the President of The University of Tokyo. He was also affiliated as the Senior Vice-Rector, United Nations University, and an Assistant Secretary-General of the United Nations for 2016-21. His areas of expertise are global hydrology and the sustainability of world water resources. He was the coordinating lead author of the IPCC WGII AR5. He got many awards such as the Japan Academy Medal, International Hydrology Prize (Dooge medal), and EGU John Dalton Meal. Full member of the Club of Rome and the President of the Japan Society for Hydrology and Water Resources.

風間 聡
So Kazama
Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University
Prof. Kazama’s research areas are hydrology and river engineering. After he served at Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand, he tackled Asian water issues. In a strategic research project “Comprehensive Research on Projection of Climate Change Impacts and Evaluation of Adaptation” funded by the Ministry of Environment of Japan, he investigates flood impact and adaptation in Japan. Currently, he is a member of the board of directors of Japan Society of Hydrology and Water Resources, and the chairman of Global Environment Committee, Japan Society of Civil Engineers.

栗栖 聖
Kiyo Kurisu
東京大学 大学院工学系研究科 都市工学専攻
Associate Professor, Dept. Urban Engineering, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
専門分野は環境工学、環境システム。人々の行動に伴う環境負荷の算定や、環境配慮行動を規定する因子の分析,環境配慮行動促進に向けた情報提供法の検討など気候変動緩和に関連した研究を実施してきている。著書に『Pro-environmental Behaviors』(Springer, 2015)がある。近年では人々の生活の質への気候変動の影響評価及び適応策の検討研究にも携わっており、環境省環境研究総合推進費S-18のテーマ4「国民の生活の質(QoL)とその基盤となるインフラ・地域産業への気候変動影響予測と適応策の検討と評価」のテーマ・リーダーを務めている。
Dr. Kurisu’s research areas are environmental engineering and environmental system. She conducts research related to climate change mitigation, including estimation of the environmental impact of people's actions, analysis of influential factors and evaluation of information provision methods to promote pro-environmental behaviors. She published a book ``Pro-environmental Behaviors'' (Springer) in 2015. In recent years, she has also been involved in research evaluating the impact of climate change on people's quality of life and examining adaptation measures, and is currently leading a research project “Projection of Climate Change Impacts on Quality of Life (QoL) of People and Their Associated Infrastructure and Local Industries and Evaluation of Adaptation Options” funded by the Ministry of Environment of Japan and the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency.

パネル討論1. コーディネーター
Panel Discussion Coodinator
Toshihiro HASEGAWA
農研機構・農業環境研究部門 エグゼクティブリサーチャー
Executive Scientist, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization
京都大学を卒業後、九州東海大学、北海道大学、農業環境技術研究所等 を経て現職。専門は作物生理学。IPCC第2作業部会第6次評価報告書では統括執筆 責任者を務めた。現在、環境省環境研究総合推進費S-18プロジェクト「気候変動影響予測・適応評価の総合的研究」のプロジェクトのテーマ2(農林水産分野)のリーダーを務めている。
Dr. Hasegawa is an executive scientist at the National Agriculture and Food Research Organization (NARO) in Japan. After graduating from Kyoto University, he worked at Kyushu Tokai University, Hokkaido University, and the National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences before joining NARO in 2016. He is a crop physiologist and a Coordinating Lead Author of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report. He currently leads Theme 2 (Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) of the strategic research project on “Comprehensive Research on Projection of Climate Change Impacts and Evaluation of Adaptation” funded by the Ministry of Environment of Japan and the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency.

平林 由希子
Yukiko Hirabayashi
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Shibaura Institute of Technology
専門分野は専門は気候変動による地球規模の水循環、水災害、水資源の予測と適応。国連の「気候変動に関する政府間パネル(IPCC)」の2019年海洋と雪氷圏に関する特別報告書の2章および政策決定者用要約の主執筆者、2022年第6次評価報告書の4章および政策決定者用要約の主執筆者を務めた。環境省環境研究総合推進費2-2005プロジェクト「気候政策とSDGs の同時達成における水環境のシナジーとトレードオフ」(2020-2022)のプロジェクトリーダー、SII-11-3「非可逆的な気候変動が都市に及ぼす影響予測」(2023-2025)のテーマリーダーを務めている。
Prof. Hirabayashi’s research expertise lies in the field of global water cycle, water related hazards, and water resource projection and adaptation in response to climate change. She has served to the IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate and the sixth assessment reports as a lead author of chapters and summary for policy maker. She was a project leader of “Synergies and Trade-offs among Climate Policies and Sustainable Development Goals in terms of Water Sector” for 2020 to 2023, and currently a theme leader of a strategic research project “Projected Impacts of Irreversible Climate Change on Cities” funded by the Ministry of Environment of Japan and the Environmental Restoration and Conservation Agency.

山野 博哉
Hiroya Yamano
Director, Biodiversity Division, National Institute for Environmental Studies
Hiroya Yamano’s field of expertise is physical geography. His research is based on the response of coral reefs and Small Island Developing States to environmental change and measures for conservation and adaptation. He is also conducting research on adaptation measures in the field of natural ecosystems to climate change and on the establishment of a society in harmony with nature.

Akira Hibiki
東北大学大学院経済学研究科 教授、政策デザイン研究センター センター長
Professor, Graduate School of Economics and Management & Director, Research Institute for Policy Design, Tohoku University
His research interests lie in environmental and resource economics. Recently his research has focused on the evaluation of the socioeconomic impact caused by climate change and the policy evaluation.

Kensuke Fukushi
東京大学未来ビジョン研究センター センター長 教授
Associate Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo (UTokyo)
Kensuke Fukushi is Professor and Director of the Institute for Future Initiatives (formerly Integrated Research System for Sustainability Science, IR3S), The University of Tokyo (UTokyo). Kensuke is a civil-environmental engineer and holds appointments at the UTokyo Graduate Schools of Engineering and Frontier Sciences, where he organizes the Urban Sustainability Science Laboratory. He is one of the founding faculty members of IR3S and achieved remarkable progress in promoting sustainability science in various academic communities. He serves as an Editorial Advisor of Sustainability Science Journal, the Science Planning Group member of Asian Pacific Network for Global Change Research, and Distinguished External Faculty member of Asian Institute of Technology. He received B.S. and M.S from Tohoku University in Civil Engineering, and Ph.D. from University of Utah in Civil Engineering.

パネル討論2. コーディネーター
Panel Discussion Coodinator
杉山 昌広
Masahiro Sugiyama
東京大学 未来ビジョン研究センター 准教授
Associate Professor, Institute for Future Initiatives, the University of Tokyo (UTokyo)
米国マサチューセッツ工科大学にてPh.D.(気候科学)および修士号(技術と政策)を取得。気候変動に関する政府間パネル (IPCC) 第6次評価報告書第3作業部会の主執筆者。近年の研究トピックは気候政策のシナリオ分析、公衆関与の観点に基づく気候工学のガバナンスなど。
Masahiro (Masa) Sugiyama is an Associate Professor at the Institute for Future Initiatives(IFI), the University of Tokyo(UTokyo). He holds a Ph.D. in climate science and a master’s degree in technology and policy, both from MIT. He is a lead author of the Working Group III’s contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). His research areas include scenario analysis of climate and energy policy and governance of climate engineering from the public engagement perspective.


電話番号:029-297-3152 /E-mail:info[at]s-18ccap.jp ※[at]を@に置き換えてください。