Sub-theme leader
Nobuhito Mori (Kyoto University)
The objective of this sub-theme is to project the impact of coastal hazards in the Japanese coastal areas and develop prototypes for coastal adaptation options. To achieve these goals, research will be conducted in the following three areas:
- Coastal hazard impact
- Impact assessment on natural coasts and ports
- Developing a prototype of adaptation measures
Item 1 will build on the projection and impact assessment of coastal hazards from sea level rise, storm surges, and waves. It also aims to summarize future changes for the assessment of adaptation measures. We will develop a downscaling method to the bay scale to project the impact of waves in small-scale regions.
In item 2, we will discuss the impact assessment of climate change on the sandy coasts and ports. For natural beaches, an impact assessment based on dynamic models will be conducted at several representative beaches. For the ports, a database of the locations and heights of breakwaters and seawalls in Japan will be compiled, and a detailed vulnerability assessment will be made for representative ports.

Item 3 will be based on items 1 and 2, and the effect of engineering adaptation measures for sandy beach and harbor facilities will be discussed, considering the intensity of climate change. A prototype of adaptation measures will be proposed and an economic evaluation for the optimization of adaptation options will be conducted.
The goal of this group is to assess the impact of coastal hazards, targeting the natural beaches and ports of Japan. Developing prototypes of adaptation measures for natural beaches and ports for major areas in Japan will be discussed.
Target items
- Natural beach
- Port
- Engineering adaptation measures
Adaptation options
- Engineering update
- Reclamation, sand recycling
- Updating mechanics
- Rising ground
- Rising embankment/break water